Research/Project  Title Duration           Funding Agency    

Source Country Perspectives on the Migration of Highly Trained Health Personnel: Causes, Consequences and Responses (with researchers from the PHILIPPINES, INDIA, CARIBBEAN, SOUTH AFRICA, and TANZANIA). (co-collaborator)

2011-2014 Canadian Institute for Health, Ottawa University, Canada



Feminist Perspectives on Poverty: (Just and justifiable measure of poverty that is genuinely gender sensitive and capable of revealing gender disparities)

(Inter country study: Philippines, Indonesia, Fiji, South Africa) (co-collaborator)

(Philippines, Indonesia, Fiji, South Africa) with Australian National University as lead collaborator)

2010-2013 Australian National University



Catastrophic Out-of-Pocket expenses for inpatient care among beneficiaries of the National Health Insurance Program in the Philippines (with Makoto Tobe of Department of Global Health Policy Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo)

6 months University of Tokyo

External Evaluation: Montañosa Research & Development Center, Inc.. Support for Integrated Rural Development Program in the Cordilleras (2005-2010)

June 2010- October 2010 Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst E. V. (EED)



External Evaluation of the advocacy work on indigenous peoples’ rights in the Cordillera carried out by Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA) as local researcher counterpart for the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA),

March-April 2010 International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA)

Pre-Test of DOH-CAR’s Family Health Diary

February   2010 DOH-CAR-JICA

Supervisory Manual for Public Health Nurses
(Joint project of health Gov and Department of Health National;

October 2008-May 2009
(Pre-testing of manual ongoing)
USAID through Health Gov

2006 UNFPA 5th Country Program Baseline Study

April-December 2006 UNFPA though UPPI

Gender Responsive and Rights Based Integrated RH Service Delivery: A Training Manual

January – December 2005; Printing 2006 UNFPA through NCRFW and DOH

Towards a Community-Based Gender Responsive, Rights-Based Reproductive Program in Mt. Province: Community Needs Assessment

April 2005-December 2005 PHSSA-CAR and UNFPA